Hydraulic technology in the mechanical energy is converted into pressure energy and anti-conversion areas, has made great progress, but there has been energy loss, mainly reflecting the volume of the system losses and mechanical losses on. If all of the pressure energy can be fully utilized, the energy conversion efficiency of the process would be significantly improved. In order to reduce the loss of pressure energy, the following questions must be addressed:
① components and systems to reduce the internal pressure loss, to reduce power losses. Mainly in the improvement of the internal flow channel component pressure loss, the use of integrated circuits and casting flow channel, pipeline losses can be reduced while also reducing leakage losses. ② reduce or eliminate system throttling losses, minimizing non-security needs of overflow traffic, avoid using throttle system to regulate the flow and pressure. ③ hydrostatic technology, new sealing materials reduce friction losses. ④ the development of small, lightweight, composite, extensive development of three diameter, 4-way solenoid valve diameter and low power solenoid valve. ⑤ improve Hydraulic pipe fittings system performance with load-sensing system, secondary-conditioning systems and the use of accumulator circuits. ⑥ for the timely maintenance of the hydraulic system to prevent contamination of the system affect the life and reliability of the need to develop new pollution detection method for online measurement of pollution, to promptly adjust, not lag, so the treatment is not timely and losses
hydraulic hose assembly,hydraulic flanges,hydraulic ferrulesis one of the three parts of the card sets of pipe joints (card sets, nuts, seamless steel pipe) composed. Working principle is the seamless steel pipe inserted into the card kit, ferrule nut using inconsistent card sets, card kit seamless steel blade evenly cut, form an effective seal.